Home Remedies for Cigarette Cravings

  posted by: Feby



cigarette smoking addictionThis world is such a nasty place to live right now. There are so many things that people engaged in and do that make them addicted. Vices are one of the many things people get hooked into. One form of vice is smoking. Smoking is a kind of addiction that is so hard to stop and quit. But just like any other addiction, you can still find ways on how to stop smoking as long as long you are determined to do it. You can actually start now at home by finding the appropriate home remedies for cigarette cravings. It’s not going to be easy and it will take how long but sure you can.

Cigar or tobacco contains nicotine. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances in a world that is known to every human being. Nicotine produces a feeling of satisfaction and pleasure when it has reached different parts of the brain that is why it is so difficult to remove smoking from the system of a smoker’s cravings. Smokers believe that smoking can fight stress and suppress hunger which is totally myth. Be aware that intense cravings to smoke is one of the signs of cigarette addiction and has to be addressed for treatment.

Home Remedies for Cigarette Cravings

Once you have stopped smoking you will experience withdrawal syndrome, so to fight that cravings you need to follow some ways below:

  • Drink herbal teas. Herbal teas like chamomile, peppermint and willow have anti-depressant and soothing properties which help you from getting rid of nicotine cravings.
  • Divert your attention. When tempted to grab a cigar, try to divert your attention by having new sets of activities like exercise and sports.
  • Citrus Fruits. Munch on citrus fruits like oranges because they are rich in Vitamin C and can make your urine more acidic and thus help you to eliminate nicotine from your system.
  • Cayenne pepper. It helps reduce the cravings to smoke.

Remember that these remedies will only work and help you get rid of the cravings when you are also determined to quit and stop from doing it.


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