What Stimulates the Appetite?

  posted by: Rowena



There are a lot of factors affecting appetite. Whether it be craving or the loss of appetite. Too much is dangerous as well as with too little. It must come in moderation. A lot of people grow big and thin and there lies some problems with the body. Mainly your lifestyle affects your appetite. Having a good weight while getting old is beneficial and has a great effect to the body. If you are aiming of any of the two, stimulating and depressing the appetite, refer to the lists below.

  • There are certain drugs that depress the appetite and vitamins that are appetite stimulant. But before taking some drugs, you need to consult first your doctor to you would know the effects it will cause you.
  • Food items that are high in fiber are known to aid for easy digestion but some can suppress hunger for you will feel full after eating them, like apples and oatmeal.
  • It’s all in the state of mind, if you think that you must eat healthy, you will be able to stimulate your appetite.
  • Good seasoning and spices added to the food items will let you crave for it, food that are dull and without good presentation affects your behaviour towards eating the food. Make it colorful and presentable. Be comfortable and make it in your own eating style.
  • There are some food items that are rich in protein and fats that if you let them out of the refrigerator and eat it after an hour, the taste will become better and more appetizing. You can have this technique so you would be able to eat well.

It’s the same experience I was into for some years. Becoming thin does not make me feel good and I was always prone to diseases, I tried ways and I found the right one that suited me. Live healthy.


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