How to Treat Neuropathy

  posted by: Rio Dianne



How to Treat NeuropathyFeeling as though a thousand needles are poked on your hands and feet?  Then maybe what you’re feeling has something to do with neuropathy.  This is the word which refers to the disorder of the nerve of the peripheral nervous system which connects the spinal cord to the skin, muscles, and other internal organs.  There actually three types of the condition including – the sensory, autonomic, and motor. Sensory is the most common among the types characterized by symptoms of burning or tingling sensation.  When this appears simultaneously, this can be referred to as polyneuropathy.  The condition usually causes extreme pain and numbness in the hands and feet as a result of infections, injuries, trauma, excessive alcohol consumption, autoimmune reactions, and other medical conditions like diabetes and HIV/AIDS.  If you are suffering from this condition, you know too well how debilitating it feels to suffer from this. Moreover, you might be wondering how to treat neuropathy.  If so, then you’ve come to the right post, as we’re here to give you tips when seeking cure for the condition.  Learn more by reading the rest of the article now.

How to Cure Neuropathy

It’s a good thing that there is actually a lot of treatment available on how to treat neuropathies.  Starting off, you can purchase some over the counter medications that can provide relief for pain.  NSAIDs and acetaminophen are great choices when looking for mild pain medications to soothe the body. Opioids are also effective in alleviating pain, but are less given due to its dependency risk. On the other hand, anti-seizure meds are also given as they can block the calcium channels thus limiting pain. Oftentimes, topical analgesics like lidocaine are given to patients who are suffering from post-herpes neuralgia.

You can also turn to other alternative treatment on how to treat neuropathy. Say, opt for a massage, acupuncture, self-hypnosis, and other relaxation techniques that can help you provide pain relief as well as benefits of diverting the pain felt.

Since the course of neuropathy varies from one individual to another, it would be much better to talk it out with your physician on how to go about treating the condition. Furthermore, prevention tips should always be followed to avoid further damage to your nerves. If you are diabetic, then it is important that you take control of your diabetes as well as looking for other symptoms associated with your condition. Alcoholic beverages should also be avoided as they can aggravate the condition more and lessens the efficacy of the drugs that can help you provide relief from this extreme discomfort. Hope this article has helped!


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