How to Increase Breast Milk Production while Pumping

  posted by: Rio Dianne



How to Increase Breast Milk ProductionBreast feeding is still best for babies.  Yeah, we already know that.  However, most moms who opt for a natural way to feed their newborn would encounter hardship on how to do this.  For instance we have the issue of having low breast milk supply.  The low production of breastmilk usually varies because of a lot of triggering factors experienced by the mom.  But there is no need to despair about it as there are some measures you can take on how to increase breast milk production while pumping.  Give it a try by following some of our tips below.

How You Can Increase Breast Milk Production while Pumping

  1. Breastfeed more frequently and pump more often.  It also goes the same way as shortening the duration and increasing the pumping episodes.  Add atleast 2-3 pumping sessions to your usual routine as this can help in stimulating more supply from your breasts.
  2. Rest and avoid stressors.  Stress is among the factors why the human body doesn’t produce even the average breast milk production. You should take care of yourself and get ample amount of sleep. Another way of relaxation technique is to massage your breasts with warm compress to aid in increasing the supply.
  3. Buy high quality breast pumps which are widely available at a couple of stores and shop.  They may be expensive though, but the benefit is that they can be good breast milk enhancer.
  4. Exercising regularly will also be beneficial in increasing the supply of milk while pumping.
  5. Try some home remedies including fenugreek, oatmeal, and mother’s milk tea that are noted to promote healthy lactation for moms.
  6. Consume a healthy diet especially those foods rich in Vitamin C as well as other minerals that can help you in boosting the production.
  7. Drink lots of water to promote milk production.  However, limit intake of caffeine, soda, and alcoholic beverages.
  8. Stop smoking as this can decrease your body’s natural way of boosting the supply of milk.
  9. There are some prescription drugs you can take on how to increase breast milk production while pumping.  But you need to talk to your doctor about it prior to partaking any medication.

Finally, the output you get from pumping naturally decreases in time, say six to nine months.  Moreover, if you can’t seem to pump more than enough milk from your breasts after doing some of the techniques above, then it would be better to talk to your doctor about lactation and stuff. Good luck!


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