Best Exercises for Buttocks

  posted by: Rio Dianne



Best Exercises for ButtocksDoes the sight of Jessica Biel or JLo’s butt always give you a pang of jealousy? Well, I’m sure most women do since having a nicely rounded behind is always among the signs of sexiness, fitness, and beauty.  Having tight buttocks is always among the wishes of most women, so it’s no wonder that they look for the best butt workout to get bigger buttocks and tone that gluteus maximus. Well, if you’re one of them, then here are some of the best exercises for buttocks that can help you with.

Best Exercises for Buttocks

  • Squats. Basically, the squat is one of the best weight training exercises to achieve a total body development. Moreover, it doesn’t just help lift buttocks, but it tones the thighs and hips as well.  To do this, place your feet shoulder-width apart and hold weights at the shoulder level.  Bend your knees slowly until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep your weight in your heels and push yourself through to drive back up.  Then repeat.
  • Lunges. The lunge is actually among the exercises that help in building those firm buttocks and leg muscles.   To start off, step one of your foot forward and the other one on the back.  You can hold weights if you want.  Bend your knees slowly and lower into a lunge.  Remember to keep the weight on your heels and not on your toes, then push yourself up back from where you started.  Do this for atleast 20 reps.
  • Gluteus Kickbacks. This is a floor exercise, so you’ll need a mat for this.  Starting off, get on your hands and knees on the mat. Bend your knees at about 90 degrees.  Lift your right leg up while maintaining the other knee bent in 90 degrees.  The right foot should be higher than your head. Lower your leg back slowly and do this on the left leg as well. Repeat this for atleast 8-16 reps.  As a variation; you can perform this alongside ball exercises.  
  • Deadlifts. This works great for you ass, lower back, and hamstrings. Tip forward from your hips and keep your legs straight.  Squeeze your gluteal muscles and pull yourself back to the starting position.  You can do this for 8-16 reps.
  • Cardio exercises. Running, jogging, walking, biking, etc are among the cardio exercises that can do wonders in firming your butt as well. These exercises strengthen your glutes and burn calories as well.

Well for men and women, these are just some of the best exercises for buttocks. Though you may not get a sexy toned butt overnight, make these exercises a part of your routine as well as proper nutrition and you’re on way to strutting that sexy back. Good luck!


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