Bad Breath Home Treatment

  posted by: Rio Dianne



Bad Breath Home TreatmentHalitosis or commonly known as bad breath can be extremely embarrassing. It is something that you can’t just leave behind if you don’t want to be a laughing stock of other people.  Primarily, the best treatment a person can do on how to get rid and treat this condition is to talk it out with his dentist about what might probably cause it.  What causes this distressing condition, you wonder?  Here are some of the culprits.

Causes of Halitosis

Usually, the condition is caused by odor producing bacteria in the mouth. Poor oral hygiene which means that you don’t brush and floss regularly can also result in accumulation of bacteria which can grow inside the mouth. Moreover, dental wear such as dentures may also be blamed for the incident since food particles can be lodged on the site.  Certain foods like garlic, onions, and other spices can also contribute in this one. Smoking and dry mouth are also among the major causes of this.  Medical conditions can also be responsible for the occurrence of your foul-smelling breath like: gum diseases, dental decay, gastritis, respiratory tract infections, diseases concerning the stomach, post nasal drip in children, etc.  Taking particular medication can also pose symptoms of smelly breath.

And like mentioned earlier, your dentist will be of great help on how to cure that foul smell from your mouth.  Moreover, once you’ve determined the cause, there are some natural remedies and natural cures as well as homeopathic treatment that you can do alongside proper treatment that you can do to bring back that fresh breath.  Here is some bad breath home treatment.

Bad Breath Home Treatment

  • Practice proper oral hygiene by brushing and flossing after every meal. Another thing is that most people tend to forget to include their tongue when brushing so make sure you do it.
  • Another cure is by gargling baking soda dissolved in warm water.  This is highly beneficial in treating the condition.
  • One home remedy which is proven effective is parsley. This contains chlorophyll thus dubbed as breath deodorizer.
  • Fenugreek seeds made into tea are also a great remedy for bad breath.
  • Rinse mouth with over the counter mouthwash as a part of oral hygiene.  However, refrain from using products which contain dyes and alcohol.  These can make your mouth dry therefore aggravating the occurrence of foul smelling breath.
  • Among the home drugs, we have the hydrogen peroxide mixed with a pinch of baking soda can be gargled as needed.

Well, those are some of the bad breath home treatment that we can suggest. This condition is a serious problem and can even lead to isolation, so be aware of it and do not let this moment force you to experience unpleasant social interaction.  Good luck!


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