Home Remedies for Rashes During Pregnancy

  posted by: Feby



rashes during pregnancyOne of the happiest moments of a woman’s life is when she is pregnant and carries her baby on her womb.   Though this the most precious moment, there are also many reasons why women hate it. During pregnancy, your hormones and body change.   Dark spots and skin rash are present everywhere in your body especially during the early stage of pregnancy. Itching and common rashes are experienced by a pregnant woman the whole duration of pregnancy. Pregnant women are usually uncomfortable with this kind of conditions, so, home remedies for rashes during pregnancy are really a stress reliever.

Pregnancy is a crucial stage to get diseases because they can affect your baby’s health in the worst way. Taking care of your body during the maternity period should be number one on your priority list- at the beginning of conception up to the moment of giving birth.

Home Remedies for Rashes During Pregnancy

Here are some natural ways to lessen the irritation due to rashes and relieve you from discomfort:

  • Baking Soda. Mix baking soda and water. Make a paste. Apply the paste on the affected areas. This will ease you from the itchy feeling caused by it.
  • Olive oil. Just dab cotton soaked with olive oil on the affected areas.
  • Ice cubes. Put some ice cubes on the affected areas. This will lessen the itchiness and inflammation on the skin.
  • Talcum powder. Apply some talcum powder on the rashes after taking a bath. This will absorb any moisture that aggravates itchiness on the skin.
  • Oatmeal. Put some oatmeal powder on your bath. It soothes the skin and help cure the inflamed skin due to rashes.

Face rashes or heat rashes during maternity period should not be taken for granted because it may be a symptom of a more complex skin disease (shingles, eczema, ringworm and hives).   Remember that you are not only taking care of yourself but you are also taking good care of your little angel inside your womb.   So, once who notice rashes on your body, make sure to tell about it to your ob-gynecologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.


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