The Most Dangerous Roads in the World

  posted by: Rio Dianne



Drive safely – that is what we always read and hear. But oftentimes, when we are too used to doing things such as driving, we tend to assume that we know all about it and ignore some of the warning signs. If you’re among these people, well then take a look at some of the most dangerous roads in the world and you might just change your mind in ignoring road rules.

The Most Dangerous Roads in the World

  • Atlas Mountains Road, Morocco – Looks pretty exciting especially for bikers with plenty of twists and turns as well.
  • Col de Turini, France – Winding up and down the Alpes-Maratime in the South of France, the road stretches a 34 terrifying hairpin bends.
  • Grimsel Pass, Switzerland – with the height of 2165 meters, although the pass has guard rails and lights, you are still on a mountain which you still can’t consider any safe.
  • Guoliang Tunnel Road, China – This is a tunnel through a mountain which is 1.2km long, 5 meters tall, and 4 meters wide. Although it is incredibly scenic, neglect driving and you’re on your way to death.
  • Lena Highway, Russia – “The Highway from Hell” – that is what it’s called. The road runs from Moscow to Siberian city. Although driving is excellent here, in the summer it can be a total mud pit which makes cars unable to pass through.
  • Los Caracoles Pass, Andes – This is a very popular path between Chile and Argentina. The road is inclinedwith steep path and hairpin bends with no guard rails.
  • North Yungas Road, Bolivia – Also known as the “Road of Death”. This is only 10 feet wide with twists and turns of about 40 miles which definitely makes it a suicide mission to pass on it as the others say.
  • Stelvio Pass Road, Italy – Although the road is completely incredible, it is situated 1.7 miles above sea level and has about 48 bends.
  • Taroko Gorge Road, Taiwan – Taroko basically means magnificent. However, are you just inviting death by driving into this tunnel without lights off a cliff?
  • The Way to Fairy Meadows, Pakistan – This is generally a picturesque site for photographers, however the travel involves unstable road with no guard rails.
  • Trollstigen, Norway – Basically, it means “Troll’s Ladder” and tourists are just attracted to the beautiful road which winds its way up to the mountainside.

The roads are definitely good items for sightseeing, but always remember to never put your guards down and avoid neglecting safety measures on this most dangerous roads in the world. Keep safe!


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2 Responses

Valentin Trushin Says:December 25th, 2014 at 4:10 pm

In the fifth photo. This road is not from Moscow. This road goes from Tomsk to the small town of Cedar!

Валентин Трушин Says:December 25th, 2014 at 9:10 am

In the fifth photo. This road is not from Moscow. This road goes from Tomsk to the small town of Cedar!

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