How to Date an Indian Woman – Dating Guide

  posted by: Gretchen



date an indian womanI’ve read many letters asking about dating tips that can help them deal with Indian women. These men are really serious about the women they are dating with.  One of the problems that they have mentioned is that they are not allowed to marry the woman they love.  This is such a difficult thing, huh.  Asian women can really give heartaches to white men.

If you happen to be attracted with an Indian woman, there are things that you have to know.  This post aims to shed some light about dating Indian women. Read on.

Dating Guide & Tips for Indian Girls

  • Know the background of the woman you are dating.  Read the Indian way of life, their religions, beliefs, and traditions.  Having some knowledge about these things will give you ideas about her personality.
  • If you have ideas already, set up a date that can impress her. You should be guided by the traditional courtship customs in India.
  • Greet her on special Indian holidays.  If she asks you about them, be ready to answer, telling her the significance of each.  This will really impress her and you will catch her interest in you.
  • Don’t mention things about sex and physical intimacy especially on your first date.  This is not a good idea to catch her attention.  It will turn her off.  Wait for intimate things to happen naturally.
  • Give her gifts.  Women just love receiving presents.  Begin with the usual ones like flowers, chocolates, and perfume.
  • Take her to restaurants that serve her favorite dishes-full of spice!
  • Show a sense of respect to her culture and way of living even if you don’t fully understand.  This is a sign that you value her.  You can attract her this way.
  • Don’t insist to meet her folks if she says she’s not ready yet.

Indian girls have the unique beauty that captivates the heart of Western men. Indian men are also handsome in their own ways.  Before you decide to marry her, you have to be sure that you are ready to embrace everything that she has.


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