Natural Remedies for Heavy Metal Detox

  posted by: Rio Dianne



Natural Remedies for Heavy Metal DetoxAny elements which possess a density of higher than 5.0 and are actually greater than that of water are called heavy metals.  Though some may be beneficial for the body, others can be ingested in large amounts thus leading to heavy metal poisoning including mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium. These are actually taken through inhalation, ingestion, and absorption which make it hard for the body to metabolize them.

Toxicity over heavy metals can affect the body so much and produce symptoms like hormonal imbalance, mental confusion, behavioral disorders, etc that can make your circulatory system, nervous system, liver, and kidneys break down.  Ideally, the best way on how to treat it is to seek the advice of your general practitioner.  Once proper treatment is done, you may also try some of the natural remedies for heavy metal detox. Here are some of the home remedies.

Natural Remedies for Heavy Metal Detox

  • Cilantro – this is among the most sought foods that can help cure toxicity from heavy metals.  Cilantro is known to be able to mobilize lead, aluminum, cadmium, and mercury out of the system.  Cilantro can be incorporated in your diet like on pasta, baked toast, salads, and other dishes.
  • Chlorella – known as a mild chelator, chlorella produces a great effect alongside cilantro.  This contains cellulose which helps in detoxification.  One of the sources of chlorella is green algae. However, this may also be present in liquid form.
  • Silymarin (Milk Thistle) – aids in detoxifying liver therefore eliminating heavy metals.
  • N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) – containing the amino acid cysteine, this is a great source of sulfur which is highly beneficial for eliminating toxic wastes in the body. Its best source is garlic.  While do not want to eat garlic because of the strong smell, others rely on garlic supplements which have been widely available now.
  • Methionine – another well known mild chelator, this helps supply sulfur in the body and binds with cell membrane to conquer toxicity.
  • Vitamins C, E, and A – these are natural chelating agents which keeps your body free form toxic elements thus purifying your system.

Those are some of natural remedies for heavy metal detox.  Others perform home treatment such as Epsom salt bath together with oils to help draw out the toxins in the system as well.  Hope this has been a great help!


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