How to Treat Jaundice in Newborns at Home

  posted by: Rio Dianne



Treat Jaundice in NewbornsJaundice refers to the yellowish staining of the skin which usually starts on the face including the sclera down to the trunk and the feet.  Among its causes is the excessive build-up of the bilirubin or medically known as hyperbilirubinemia therefore causing a yellow pigment to the body.  The common misconception is that jaundice is a disease as in reality this is just among the underlying signs and symptoms of a certain disease.  While the condition can happen to children and adults, it is very common among infants or newborn babies since their livers are not capable enough of keeping up with the amount of bilirubin that the body produces.  A trip to the hospital is the best way when seeking treatment if you suspect that your baby is suffering from jaundice.  However, there are also ways you can try alongside medical treatment on how to treat jaundice in newborns at home.  Follow some of the home treatment to reduce jaundice on how to cure your neonate naturally.

How to Cure Jaundice in Newborns at Home

  1. Continue breast feeding your new born regularly as it can be beneficial in eliminating the yellowish discoloration of the skin caused by hyperbilirubinemia.
  2. Feed your baby more often so that he will get enough calories and prevent him from suffering from severe jaundice.
  3. You can also remove the clothing of your child in a warm room and put him in indirect sunlight.  Make sure that the light coming passing through a glass window hits your baby. However, remember to cover the eyes of your infant.  Expose the back of the baby to the sunlight for atleast 5-10 minutes, and then do this on the front as well.  This can be a good substitute for phototherapy.

Those are just some of the home treatment you can do on how to treat jaundice in newborns at home.  The tips given above are just additional home remedies that you can do alongside medical treatment.  Usually, jaundice goes away on its own, but if your neonate doesn’t seem to respond to these, talk with your pediatrician regarding your child’s case.  Hope this has helped!


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