How to Treat Avulsion Fracture

  posted by: Rio Dianne



How to Treat Avulsion FractureSome people are unlucky enough at times that they result to experiencing bone fracture.  Generally, this can occur as a consequence of having a great force or stress which leads to weakening of the bones due to accidents, or other bone-related conditions. While there are many types of fractures ranging from simple like greenstick up to compound ones. In this article, we’ll talk about the most common fracture – avulsion fracture which is can also result to comminuted fracture as a result of accident or fall. Oftentimes, this may manifest symptoms like pain, immobility, and swelling to the affected are like the ankle, fibula, knee, elbow, wrist, hip, and finger.  Read on to learn how to treat avulsion fracture.

How to Cure Avulsion Fracture

Your quest on how to treat avulsion fracture actually depends on the severity of the condition.  Goals of treatment may also vary depending on the patient’s age.  For some, the course can actually be treated by merely resting while intensive treatment including surgery may be employed for more complicated injury.

Definitely, the first thing to do once the injury occurs is to apply some basic first aid treatment.  The rule of thumb when trying to administer first aid is abbreviated as RICE.

  • R – Rest.  Rest period is extremely necessary in this condition.  Again, this depends on the injury, but the resting period can last for two until six weeks until the affected area has completely heal.
  • I – Immobilize.  Once shouldn’t try to move a person with fracture to avoid creating further damage to the bones.  Splinting may also be done to help in immobilizing the area of affectation.
  • C – Compression.  Application of ice compress can be done to prevent and reduce swelling of the body part.
  • E – Elevate.  Elevation can be of great help when bleeding is present. However, this is contraindicated when predisposition to open fracture is high.

Another treatment is through taking of over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation as to provide relief of pain.  Still, the best intervention on how to treat avulsion fracture is to seek medical attention. Oftentimes, this needs further tests to know the degree of damage to the bones through X-rays.  Moreover, your doctor will identify if there is a need for further treatment like surgery or other reattachment techniques.


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