How to Know if You Have Gallstones

  posted by: Rio Dianne



How to Know if You Have GallstonesGallstones are rocklike structures which form as a result of cholesterol build-up and other materials found in the gallbladder.  Having gallstones is among the common gall bladder problems individuals experience mostly by people who are trying to lose weight.  Maybe you are wondering how to know if you have gallstones.  Well then, here are some of the symptoms commonly experienced on how to tell if you have them.

How to Find Out if You Have Gallstones

Most people with these do not really possess any symptoms at all and therefore do not need further treatment.  However some are unlucky enough and experience:

  • Abdominal pain particularly on the right side where the gallbladder is situated. The pain is felt especially during intake of high fat meals, drinking milk, or ice cream.  Moreover, the pain radiates on the right shoulder when breathing deeply.
  • Belching and flatulence
  • Indigestion
  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Fever and chills

Diagnostic Test to Tell if you Have Gallstones

Basically, most gallstones can’t be seen through a regular X-ray. Instead, ultrasound is the best test on how to check and find out if you really have these rocklike structures in your gall bladder.  Gallbladder scan may also be ordered by your doctor in instances when the stones do not show up during the abdominal ultrasound.

Treatment of the condition is actually effective.  Laparoscopic surgery is the commonly done procedure by most doctors to address the situation. However, some people rely on the use of home remedies to flush gallstones.  These include flushing with the use of apple juice and Epsom salts. (Also See: how to flush gallstones). Gallstone flush is the common remedy suggested by most people, but be sure to talk with your doctor about it prior to partaking into any action.  Good luck!


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