Best Exercises for Elderly

  posted by: Rio Dianne



Best Exercises for ElderlyExercising helps a lot in maintaining fitness as well as promoting better blood flow and promote overall health.  While young people go about staying healthy and being physically fit, seniors and old people are no exception. Generally, exercises for senior citizens are focused on maintenance so that they can maintain independence in doing tasks and activities of daily living. Be fit as a fiddle and learn what some of the best exercises for elderly are.

Here are the Best Exercises for Older Person

  • Stretching Exercises. As you get older, your joints may actually become stiff and may predispose you to a couple of injuries.  Before beginning any task, it would be important to do some warm-up through a couple of exercises for atleast 15 minutes.  Do some stretching for your upper body by stretching your hands, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and elbows.  Leg exercises can also be done as part of stretching to ensure optimal functioning.
  • Strength Exercises. This can help you build your stamina and prevent your muscles from being atrophied.  Strengthening routine can be done through the use of machines and other equipment as well as light weights. Moreover, strength training should be done in high repetitions.  Some of the examples are plantar flexion and arm raise.
  • Endurance Exercises. The exercises involved in building your endurance are focused on increasing your heart rate and breathing.  But because you’re aging, you may have to refrain from doing vigorous workouts such as running and jumping rope.  Opt for brisk walking, swimming, or dancing instead.
  • Balance Exercises. These aim to build leg muscles which may be helpful to prevent falls which are the main reason for fractures and hip dislocations. You can do this by standing on one leg at a time and repeating it on the other leg.
  • Abs Exercises. Seniors can also perform some abdominal workout to develop stronger muscles.  For instance, try the pelvic tilt and seated oblique twist.

Those are some of the great exercises for elderly that you can integrate on your workout. Depending on your choice, the following maybe done with your personal trainer or you can look for any DVD with some exercise programs in it.  Take care of your health and do not let age interfere with being toned and healthy.


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