How to Curl your Hair without a Curling Iron

  posted by: Rio Dianne



black curl hairHaving curly hair can be synonymously described as sexy. This is the reason why most girls yearn over sexy curls of other celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, and Vanessa Hudgens.  But to get this look, curlers are a big tool such as flat iron for hair straighteners.  The downside though is that through hair curlers, heat is applied thus leading your hair prone to damage especially when done often. In out post today, we are not going to tell you to give up on curling iron. Instead, we are going to give you some tips on how to curl your hair without a curling iron.  Are you ready?!?

Basically, we are going to make have bobby pins to the rescue to get those luscious curls without curling iron.  Bobby pins have been widely used for ages to aid in hairstyles as they work even in short hair, too.  The procedure may be done with dry or wet hair depending on your preference.  So, here it is:

  1. Comb your hair and make sure that you’ve removed the tangles.  Options include application of mousse made to enhance curls.
  2. Decide whether you want to have big or small curls.  If it’s small that you want, then divide your hair into thin sections, but thick sections if you want bigger curls.  Now, grab a portion of your hair, and try to hold it straight and slightly spray a small amount of hair spray on it.
  3. Now, twist your hair around itself and zip it up with a bobby pin or two.
  4. Repeat the procedure all over your hair and once you’re done, cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it on until the morning.
  5. Upon awakening, remove the bobby pins and lightly mist hair spray and comb your hair using your fingers.

Another way on how to curl your hair without a curling iron is through foam rollers.  This may be a little time consuming though, but it can also make ways for the waves that you want.  The disadvantage – it can’t be done on short hair.

Well, there you go.  With the suggestions we’ve given you, there is no excuse for you not to look sexy and gorgeous because you can do some improvised way on having curly hair without damaging it too much.  Enjoy!


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