Laser Eye Surgery Cost in the Philippines

  posted by: Gretchen



Laser Eye Surgery Cost PhilippinesLASIK laser eye surgery began in 1990 and since then it has effectively enhanced the vision of many people around the world.   Many people undergo through this kind of corrective eye surgery to get away from glasses and contact lens.  Most of the people who tried LASIK laser eye surgery are pleased with the result.  Actually LASIK is just an option to correct vision.  There are other eye surgery options out there but this has become popular and preferred by most.  The question now is how much is laser eye surgery?

We cannot tell the right price of LASIK because it depends on factors like the choice or surgeon, the equipment, the quality of the laser system, the type of procedures done, the quality of care given to the patient, and the place where the surgery is done.

If you are considering having your laser eye surgery done in the Philippines then it is a good choice.  There are good surgeons who had trainings in the best ophthalmology centers and universities here and abroad.  Try to inquire at St. Luke’s Vision Laser Center. It caters to address conditions like hyperopia, myopia, regular and irregular astigmatism, and presbyopia. It also welcomes patients who have had previous refractive surgery and need further treatment. Moreover, it is the only refractive eye center in the Philippines found in a hospital accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI). St. Luke’s Medical center is located in Manila, Phils.  The price is not definite but it would cost you around Php100, 000 or roughly $2,000.

Risks of laser eye surgery

Some problems associated with this kind of surgery include infection, regression, decrease in best-corrected vision, flap damage or loss, halo effect, and severe dry eye syndrome.

This post is not designed to promote laser eye surgery but it gives you ideas about it including its risks and price.  Just take time to think about it many times before setting out on laser eye treatment.


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One Response

Ariel Cruz Says:August 19th, 2011 at 11:15 pm

The real price for this treatment cannot be stated of the laser eye surgery.This is due to the some modern equipment has been used.One thing that you can do if wanted to know and further information of this, to visit this website. You may want to try this mam/sir. i have prove this myself and the result was awesome. Very natural and you are assured that there’s no treat to your eyes…..Thank you and hope this helps you.

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