How to Lose Weight through Bulimia

  posted by: Rio Dianne



How to Lose Weight through BulimiaI was browsing the Internet and trying to look for effective ways on how to drop a few pounds until I happened to see some searches on how to lose weight through bulimia and anorexia.  Seriously?  Losing weight through bulimia?  Many people just get so tangled up on ways regarding losing weight. Sadly though, they result to frightening ways to achieve their weight loss plan like the above mentioned. This can be dangerous to one’s health, which is why I decided to write a post and tell my side on the issue on how to lose weight through bulimia.

What is Bulimia?

Binge eating disorder – that is how Bulimia is referred to as.  This is actually an eating disorder which is characterized with consumption of food uncontrollably followed by purging through induced vomiting, diuretic or laxative use, as well as extreme exercising. For one to be called bulimic, the person has to be doing this for atleast twice a week over a three-month period.

How does it Start?

The cycle usually starts when one decides to go on a diet which will then progress to even stricter food consumption.  This is when starvation occurs. During the period of starvation, the individual will then feel some cravings over foods particularly sweets.

The binging cycle will begins when the person starts eating uncontrollably because of dissatisfaction as well as extreme hunger.  Once they’ve felt fullness, a guilt feeling strikes them thus resulting to purging.  They try to vomit it all completely and will result to starvation again. Therefore the cycle continues.

What are its Effects?

As a consequence of the act, it can cause ulcerations to the esophagus as a result of persistent vomiting.  Malnutrition, dehydration, and tooth decay because of the stomach acid are also present.  Moreover, this can disrupt your electrolyte imbalance and will predispose you to other conditions like heart diseases, digestive disorders, irritability, and mood swings.  Yeah, you’ll lose weight in the beginning, however the vomiting episodes may cause you to become hungrier thus will make you eat more food under normal conditions.


As a conclusion on how to lose weight through bulimia, yes it can help you lose weight, but it is not a healthy method of trying to burn fat and lose 10 pounds or more.  It can even predispose you to more medical complications as a result of the technique.  There isn’t really a fast way on how to get slim fast and quickly as this can be done through a couple of measures like healthy diet as well as exercises.  So, if you’re looking for ways on how to eliminate those belly fat and other parts of the body, then bulimia isn’t certainly the right choice.


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