Homemade Facial Scrub for Oily Skin and Pimples

  posted by: Gretchen



Homemade Facial ScrubThe recent economic status forces us to be practical in everything we do. Frugal living should be observed now in order to survive. You have to tighten your belt as much as possible. If you can utilize the things you have at home, then do it so you will be able to save some. For instance, beauty products for men and women are pretty expensive and they are ineffective sometimes. Instead of buying them, why don’t you make your own? You can use the things you have right at the kitchen. Let’s learn together how to make facial scrub for oily skin. Here are natural and inexpensive recipes which are good in exfoliating your facial skin.

DIY Recipes

Baking Soda Scrub

  • Simply mix two to three tbsp. baking soda to small amount of water to form a paste. After getting the desired result, apply the paste to your face in a circular motion and gently scrub. This does not lead to facial peel.

Oatmeal Scrub

  • You will need to mix one tablespoon ground oatmeal, one teaspoon lemon juice, and two teaspoons yogurt. You can have it as a face mask. Apply it onto your face and leave for a few minutes. Scrub and rinse with water. This is great for sensitive skin.

Coffee Grounds Scrub

  • Brew a pot of coffee. Mix three teaspoon coffee grounds and one teaspoon salt in a bowl. Use grounds within 20 minutes of brewing. Scrub the mixture onto your body.

Oat and Brown Sugar Scrub

  • Mix two tablespoons ground oats, two teaspoon brown sugar, two tablespoon aloe vera, and one teaspoon lemon juice until you have a smooth paste. Massage it onto skin gently.

Sea Salt Scrub

  • Apply a teaspoonful of salt scrub on your face after wetting your face with lukewarm water. This is a good way to exfoliate your skin and get rid of excess oil that causes acne.

Honey Sugar Scrub

  • You will need to mix one teaspoon of honey and a half teaspoon of sugar. Apply it on face and rinse.

There you go! They are quite easy, right? If you can do them well, you’ll have glowing skin and free of acne or pimples without spending so much. You can send your homemade scrubs to your friends.


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