Safety Tips when Hiking

  posted by: Gretchen



Safety Tips when HikingOne of people’s favorite outdoor activities is hiking. For hikers they say it is really fun and at the same time relaxing.  It is a good way to put your strength and endurance into test.  For beginners and for people who’d like to try it, there are many things that you need to know.

Safe Hiking Tips

Here are some tips that could be useful when hiking:

  • Prepare your appropriate safety equipment like hiking boots, socks, a backpack, traction devices, walking stick, a compass, binoculars, and others.  Hiking boots will give you grip and support throughout the hike.  Look for a good pair of boots so they won’t fail you. Your hiking gear is important.  You will also need Avalanche probes if you will be on snow covered terrain.
  • You also need to bring a flashlight, sunscreen, sunglasses, wet weather gear, knife, and fire starter.
  • Bring a first aid kit in case of emergencies.  You don’t know what’s up there so just be ready.  This also necessary when you go camping.
  • Bring your food and plenty of water.  You need to be well-hydrated when you ascend.  This is also a good way to prevent high-altitude sickness which is a very common problem among hikers.  It’s advisable that you bring a water treatment kit to help purify water when your supply runs out.
  • Be smart in packing.  Don’t overload your backpack with not so important things.  This will help you ascend easier.
  • Know your destination.  Choose proper trails.  Research on the trails so you will have the idea.  Get details and remember them.
  • It’s safer to hike with friends.  Don’t do it alone.       It’s never fun and safe.
  • Don’t go off the trail.  You will be hard up to find your way back to the trail. It’s so scary to get lost in the wilderness.  This is one of the best hiking safety rules that you have to follow.
  • Avoid wildlife and poisonous plants.  You need to know them especially when you are with kids.

Backpacking, camping, and hiking are fun if you know how to enjoy them.  You just need to learn some techniques to guide you as you do any of these outdoor activities.


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