How to Travel with an Infant

  posted by: Gretchen



travel with infantBabies are so delicate.  They need extra tender loving care.  As much as possible infants particularly newborn should not be brought when adults travel because traveling can be stressful and dangerous. But if there are circumstances that you need them to be with you when you travel and visit places you should be aware of the things that will help you ensure the safety of your precious little ones.

Scoops when Traveling with an Infant

  • When you travel alone with a baby, get an Escort Pass for your spouse or someone to help you with your things at the gate.  This helper is not allowed to board the plane but at least you have assistance prior to boarding.
  • Try to schedule your departure around your baby’s regular naptime so the baby will sleep while on your trip.  You should not interrupt the baby’s schedule to sleep or take a nap prior to an air travel.  It often goes wrong.
  • Try to schedule your flight during off peak seasons to avoid big crowds at the airport.  If you travel during a holiday, expect huge crowds.  This will cause discomfort to you and to the baby.
  • Don’t forget the important baby stuff. You need a bag packed with:
    • plenty of diapers, diaper rash cream, wipes, alcohol or hand sanitizer, baby oil or petroleum jelly
    • feeding bottles and pacifiers
    • baby blanket
    • clothes
    • a bottle of water for mixing formula
    • a bib, spoon, bowl, and baby food and snacks
    • toys to entertain your baby or toddler
  • To protect the ears of your baby from hurting, offer him/ her a bottle or something to suck on.   Travelers often experience this because of the change in altitude.
  • For your safety, the safest place for your precious one in an airplane is in an FAA-approved car seat.

Protect your baby with these travel ideas for infant.  When you go to places with your baby, bear these tips in mind and ensure the cleanliness and safety of the hotels in the place before you check in.  Enjoy your vacation with your baby!


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