How to Date your Boss

  posted by: Gretchen



How to Date your BossIt isn’t impossible that you get attracted to your co-worker because you see each other almost everyday. You spend most of your time together.  You would just know that the two of you are already dating.  Well, it isn’t a good idea but there’s nothing wrong with it for as long as this is allowed in your company or office or else you’ll suffer consequences. It’s even worse if you are dating with your manager or boss. The consequences that you have to face are more difficult.

Guides when Dating your Boss

Are you into this kind of dating?  You just can’t resist dating your boss?  Here is a list of dating tips for you:

  • You need to evaluate your feelings for your boss first.  Afterwards, you have to confirm that your boss feels the same way, too.  Have a simple informal date so you can assess your feelings.  If you really feel magic or spark then you can have a romantic relationship.  You need to do this to make sure that you have the same inclination outside your office.
  • Keep your relationship secret because dating your boss is actually taboo.
  • Avoid being affectionate to your boss while inside your workplace.  Don’t try to please your partner by doing it.  It is improper.  Be professional. Treat your partner as your boss during working hours.
  • Ask yourself if you can really work with your boss while you are in a romantic relationship.  Isn’t it toxic?  You don’t have space from each other.  You don’t have the chance to miss each other. This can be suffocating, too.  Your boss will no longer ask you out because you are always around.  However, if you can balance it, then it can work.
  • Don’t mix personal issues and business issues. They should be treated differently.
  • If all else fails, you should end your relationship in good terms.  Can you promise to do this dating advice?

That’s it!  Try to follow what you read in this post and you’ll have a better relationship with your boss.


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