How to Treat Viral Meningitis

  posted by: Rio Dianne



Treat Viral MeningitisThere are a lot of infections that can cause damage to the brain and spinal cord such as encephalitis.  Another one is the viral meningitis or also known as aseptic meningitis. This refers to the infection of the meninges or the thin lining which covers the brain and the spinal cord.  The disease is pretty common and is relatively mild compared to bacterial meningitis as the latter can cause long term effects and even death.  Though it may not be as serious as the bacterial type, the condition is still contagious enough especially by direct exposure to the infection.  All individuals, regardless of their ages, can be affected with it, but it usually occurs in children.  So what causes the condition itself?  Generally, the disease is caused by a number of other viruses like enteroviruses, herpes, and mumps.  Mosquito-borne viruses can also cause the condition.  Once confronted with the illness, the patient will encounter symptoms including – fever, sore throat, vomiting, headache, stiff neck, tiredness, and rash.  There is no specific treatment for the disease and usually, it will run its course for a week or so. However, in this article we’ll tell you some supportive steps on how to treat viral meningitis.  How to do it? Learn more now.

How to Cure Viral Meningitis

The first thing you can do is to seek medical help to fully diagnose the condition.  Since the symptoms resemble that of the bacterial type, a series of blood tests and other diagnostic measures should be done.

After it has been ruled out, home treatment can be done by:

  • Control the symptoms of fever through tepid sponge bath as well as administration of fever drugs.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration caused by fever.
  • Complete bed rest to strengthen immune system and help fight off infection easily.
  • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be given to provide relief from muscle pain and inflammation.

Other preventive measures may also be done including meningococcal vaccines, and other immunizations.  Proper hand washing should also be done especially after contact with the patient.  Strict isolation may not be necessary.  Finally, mosquito bites should be avoided as possible as they can also cause the disease as well as other diseases. And this is how to treat viral meningitis.  Keep in mind though that once potential complications arise, be sure to get the help of the doctor instantly.


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