How to Prevent a Heart Attack

  posted by: Gretchen



how to prevent heart attackHeart attack is just one of the scariest health problems that everybody would like to avoid. No one would even want to think about it. You need to be well-informed about it so you will know how to prevent it, treat it and identify its occurrence.

What is a heart attack? It is a condition when a part of the heart muscle is damaged or dies because it doesn’t get enough oxygen. For the normal process, oxygen is transported to the heart by blood flowing through the arteries that feed the heart muscle which is called coronary arteries. This disease mostly happen when these arteries are blocked which is usually caused by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the build-up of fatty deposits, named plaque, inside the artery, and hardening of the artery walls.

Causes and effects of heart disease


  • Age
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood cholesterol
  • High LDL cholesterol
  • Low HDL cholesterol
  • Family history (heredity)
  • Diabetes


  • People with heart disease become physically inactive and suffers from constant fatigue.
  • People suffering from this are faced with death.
  • It can cause depression in a person.
  • It can lead to malfunctioning of various organs like liver, kidney, intestines, and others.
  • People with this disease undergo physical and mental stress.
  • Strokes can incapacitate people.

Many heart attacks develop slowly, as a mild pain or discomfort.   If you feel the common signs of heart attack, you’d better se the doctor to prevent it from getting worse. Every person should be able to identify the symptoms when they occur. Below are the common signs:

Chest discomfort or pain – Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that can last up to a few minutes or goes way then comes back. It can feel like squeezing, uncomfortable pressure, fullness, or pain.

Discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, stomach, or jaw.

Shortness of breath – It often comes along with the first sign but it can also occur before chest discomfort.

Other signs include nausea, vomiting, fainting, or breaking out in a cold sweat.

How to prevent it

  • Avoiding heart attack symptoms is the best way on how to prevent heart attack from happening.
  • Eat nutritious food. Follow a low-fat diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Cut down salt intake.
  • Lose weight if you are overweight. Stay slim.
  • Stop smoking or never start it.
  • Have a regular exercise.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Check you blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels.
  • Take your medicines as prescribed.

Rumors say that coughing prevents heart attack but according to the American Heart Association, it isn’t true. Help yourself by simply doing the things mentioned above then you are on your way to prevent heart failure.

How do you treat this.

  • Treatment  includes medicines and medical procedures. Below is a list:
  • Thrombolytic medicines – also called clot busters.  These medicines are used to dissolve blood clots that are blocking the coronary arteries.
  • Beta Blockers – decrease the workload on your heart.  They are also used to relieve chest pain.
  • Anti-coagulant medications to prevent growth of blood clots in the arteries.
  • Supplemental oxygen to increase the level of oxygen needed by the heart’s muscle.
  • Medications to prevent abnormal heart rhythms

A healthy lifestyle is still the best way to prevent a heart attack from happening and other deadly diseases. As the old adage goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.


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