Home Remedies for White Discharge in Women

  posted by: Feby



white discharge in women home remediesVaginal discharge is just normal for every woman’s life.  It is a way of cleansing the vagina that keeps it healthy by balancing the acid inside it.  It is also a way of protection from harmful infections.  This is present before ovulation, during early pregnancy and before monthly period.  The discharge is characterized as thick milky white or clear discharge.  However, when the discharge shows some abnormality such as yellow discharge, smelly odor and the genital is itching then it must be something else.  Abnormal discharge may be a symptom that an HPV (human papillomavirus) has entered your cervix or it could be a vaginitis and maybe a Leucorrhoea.

Home Remedies for White Discharge in Women

Herbal or natural remedies are convenient to use as treatment.  They have proven their effectiveness for centuries.  Here are herbal remedies that you can use:

  • Baking soda.  It cures and removes the smell on your discharge. Just make a mixture of baking soda, water and vinegar.  Use this as genital wash.
  • Guava Leaves. Boil the tender leaves and use as douche.  This is like vaginal astringent.
  • Fenugreek Seeds. Bring this to boil.  The tea made from fenugreek seeds can be taken orally and as genital wash.
  • Garlic. Insert a small clove inside the vagina.  It kills bacteria and can cure smelly discharge.
  • Grapefruit.  Extract from this can be used as antiseptic wash for abnormal discharge.
  • Lady’s fingers.  Boil with water.  The decoction from this vegetable should be taken orally several times a day.  It is good for genitor-urinary organs conditions.

These remedies should be accompanied with well balanced diet.  Avoid eating food out of flour, white sugar, oily food, tea and coffee instead much on fibrous food.  Proper hygiene should be observed also.

If the symptoms still persist, then you should seek help from your physician.


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